The Importance of Having Clear Jiu Jitsu Goals
August 17, 2022 / Blog
Maximize Your Time...
In my extensive 15-year journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), encompassing competing, training, teaching hobbyists, and coaching world-class competitors, I've identified a pivotal element for optimal learning—setting goals correctly.
Here's why it matters:
Validation Can Be Deceptive:
With time, anyone can acquire skills.
Staying in a comfort zone may lead to a false sense of validation.
Excuses Are Counter-productive:
Eliminate excuses like limited training frequency or physical stature.
Training without a goal rarely yields fruitful results.
Personal Discipline Matters:
Being goal-oriented fosters personal discipline.
Regardless of your training frequency, respecting and loving yourself involves investing time meaningfully.
Equal Structure for Diverse Students:
Students with varying training frequencies receive the same structure and advice.
Preparation is key—arriving at the mat ready to accomplish set goals within available time.
The Impact of Correct Goal Setting:
White belts, those facing challenges, academy leaders, and instructors benefit tenfold from setting goals correctly.
Constant progress towards a goal enhances quality and retention.
Avoiding Aimless Training:
Habitually training without a specific goal is common but not optimal.
Simplify objectives until consistency is achieved.
Reverse Engineering Goals:
Example: Disliking being smashed in side control prompts a goal to learn how to escape.
Break down the process—focus on establishing and maintaining guard, and controlling tempo.
Efficient Use of Failure:
Students focusing solely on escaping side control may miss essential elements like guard retention and tempo control.
Structured training involving guard play, sweeping, and submission attempts provides a comprehensive understanding.
Collecting High-Quality Data:
Two students with different goals spend the same mat time.
Efficiently using failure for positive growth leads to progress and a solid foundation for future patterns.
Understanding Your Goal:
Everyone on the mat has distinct reasons, but we all have goals.
Deeper understanding accelerates positive training experiences, facilitates quicker accomplishments, and transforms you into a better learner.
At Logic HQ, our mission is to guide you in simplifying your goals and holding you accountable. Let's collaborate to enhance your online Jiu Jitsu experience.